Interval Funds
Sep 08. 18:17
White Paper Summary: Unlisted Closed-End Funds: Market Update Amid Building Momentum
Summary: white paper by FUSE Research Network and UMB Fund Services
Since their last survey in 2017, closed-end funds (CEFs) continue to grow with interval funds as the driving force. The top ten CEFs hold $30 billion in assets with a CAGR of 25% since 2014.
Since 2014, interval funds have grown AUM at an annual rate of 42.9% to end 2018 with $27.2 billion in assets. This change is reflected in the CEF marketplace where interval funds only represented 19.0% of the unlisted CEF marketplace in 2014; they comprised 51.5% of the marketplace as of the end of 2018.
77% of financial advisors surveyed noted that interval funds were a major focus of product development initiatives in the coming year. The number of unique interval funds was expected to grow by 15 to 20 over that period.
The survey revealed the top three obstacles for advisers using interval funds:
1) Lack of a track record
2) Lack of liquidity
3) Fees and expenses
Photo by Heath Vester on Unsplash
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